
 Here's the news!

We have made it on to the top 10 corner stores in Toronto! :)

From: National Post

Date: Feb. 7th 2009

Section: Post Toronto

Here's what it said:

Mr.Cheap Variety

1839 Avenue Rd.

Residents of the strip of Avenue Road between

Wilson and Lawrence regard Mr.Cheap as something

like the neighbourhood helpful uncle. "Maybe suggestion

:He probably does, whether "it" is $2.99 mittens, $2.49

VHS cassettes or crayons at $1.49 for 32. Mr.Cheap was a

dollar store before dollar stores, lending- Mirvish -esque  down-

town discounts to an uptown 'hood otherwise concerned with

equestrian riding gear and antique clocks. Moreover, for many,

Mr.Cheap is Toronto's destination for bargain-priced cigarettes.

A 20-pack of Belmonts remain $7.85(its $9.70 for 25). No wonder

some TTC drivers pull over their 61 buses to run a deck. Ask how

they keep prices down, the woman behind the counter

-The presumptive Mrs.Cheap

-grins. "Hard Work."

Written By Adam McDonwell

This article belongs to the National Post

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